American Builders Quarterly Publishing Sept/Oct Issue 2011
Posted July 25, 2012 By Mary Beth in Blog, Publishings With | No Comments -
Old technology Owes ecology An apology.
Posted August 15, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog, Uncategorized With | No CommentsYour own property has the potential to be your source of heating and cooling comfort. Now you can get safe, reliable, energy efficient heating and cooling from one piece of equipment. Geothermal energy represents the leading edge of heating and cooling technology. It moves heat energy to and from the …
Teak Talk
Posted August 4, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog With | No CommentsTeak is a safe and natural alternative to ozone-depleting materials and substances. We incorporate teak into surprising and intuitive features of our custom built homes…take for instance…the shower floor. Not only does teak wood NOT contain any HCFCs (chemicals with ozone depletion potential), but the trees in teak wood plantations actually help to limit damage …
The Bidding Process, Demystified
Posted July 31, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog, Home Bidding With | No CommentsFrom Surveying and Staking your lot to selecting your Towel Bars and Paint Colors there are hundreds of items and thousands of hours that go into completing a transparent and quality new custom home estimate. Beware of General Contractors who offer you a procedure for choosing your items based on their “plan A, B or …
Greener Value for Our Customers
Posted July 21, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog, Green Construction With | No CommentsWe used Plytanium Dryply for our Home Road New Custom Home sub-floor. Dryply is made from sustainable Forestry Initiative certified responsible wood sources. We are proud to provide value-added wood products to our environmentally responsible homeowners while helping to protect our natural resources!
Sigma Phi Epsilon Renovation
Posted July 6, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog, Renovations With | No CommentsThe Ohio State University converts to a semester schedule in the fall of 2012 and all students will be required to live in on-campus housing for their first two academic years. Capaldo Construction along with New Avenue Architects are completing a design-remodel at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity house to comply with University housing requirements …
Subsurface Drip Irrigation for Onsite Wastewater Event
Posted June 21, 2011 By Mary Beth in Blog, Wastewater Treatment With | No CommentsHealth Department Professionals from around the country and Canada descend on our two new custom home projects in Delaware, Ohio to witness a geological phenomenon. Subsurface Drip Systems Help Solve Wastewater Disposal Problems. This method involves placing tubing to form drip lines under at least 8 inches of soil. The treated wastewater is dispersed underground …