• Safe Escapes

    Posted October 17, 2012 By in Renovations With | No Comments

    An egress window is a window that is required in specific locations in a dwelling and is intended to provide an emergency means of exiting a dwelling.  Windows must meet specific size and requirements to qualify as an egress window.

    Egress windows are required in every room used for sleeping purposes (bedrooms) on any floor and in basements with habitable space. If you are constructing a new home, the code requires that you put an egress window in each bedroom. It also requires an egress window in the basement if habitable rooms will be finished in the basement. If you install a basement bedroom or bedrooms, an egress window is required in each bedroom. If you have an existing home and you add a sleeping room in an unfinished basement, the code requires that you install an egress window in the sleeping room or rooms.

  • Sigma Phi Epsilon Renovation

    Posted July 6, 2011 By in Blog, Renovations With | No Comments

    The Ohio State University converts to a semester schedule in the fall of 2012 and all students will be required to live in on-campus housing for their first two academic years. Capaldo Construction along with New Avenue Architects are completing a design-remodel at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity house to comply with University housing requirements including installing central air and a sprinkler system on the property. Sigma Phi Epsilon and The Ohio State University administrators put together a plan for the property that includes approximately $500,000 in renovations. Stay tuned to Capaldo Construction to watch this massive project completed in the 10 week build time allocated.

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